Archivo:YouTube - LaEXvideo - g1krEN6CGmg.jpg

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Detalles del archivo
ArchivoEste archivo está embebido desde un servicio externo y no está subido a 15Mpedia.
DescripciónDescripción proveniente de YouTube: This video was uploaded for the first time on March 27th, 2010.

Every year, private US industry lobbies exert an invasive pressure on the Spanish Exefcutive through their Special 301 Report on countries that require special surveillance because of their disobedience to the interests of Hollywood entertainment multinationals. This report names Spain as one of its top offenders and stigmatizes the whole of Spanish society as pirates. When the Spanish President, in response to popular lobbying, wanted to modify the First Final Provision of the Law of Sustainable Economy so as to make it more respectful of fundamental rights, the US Ambassador immediately scolded him ZP, no backing down! Four monyhs ago we wrote to the Ambassador in order to see him and explain the situation. He didn' answer us. So we are looking for a North American friend who can help us contact the Ambassador so we can explain the problems of Report 301 to him. STOP ACTA presents: Looking for a (North) American friend - Ep. 2 en YouTube
Fecha de creaciónSin datos [+] (Fecha de publicación: 12 de marzo de 2011)
AutoríaLaEXvideo en YouTube
LicenciaLicencia Reconocimiento 3.0 de Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)
Tamaño0 bytes (archivo embebido)
CoordenadasSin datos [+]
Palabra(s), fcforum, conservas,, oxcars, la-ex
Mirror(s)spanishrevolution-Xnetpresents-LookingforaNorthAmericanfriend-Ep.2-g1krEN6CGmg en Internet Archive

Historial del archivo

Haz clic sobre una fecha/hora para ver el archivo a esa fecha.

Fecha y horaMiniaturaDimensionesUsuarioComentario
act15:43 24 nov 2014Miniatura de la versión de 15:43 24 nov 2014480 × 360 (20 KB)BotQuincemayista (Discusión | contribuciones){{Infobox Archivo |embebido=YouTube |embebido id=g1krEN6CGmg |embebido usuario=LaEXvideo |embebido tí presents: Looking for a (North) American friend - Ep. 2 |descripción={{descripción de youtube|1=This video was uploaded for the first tim...

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